Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Opening Day...

So, I was watching a Tivo'd episode of Oprah the other day and the topic was something like "The Other Side of Being a Mom" or something like that, and a few of the women on there had blogs and were talking about how therapeutic it is for them, so I decided to breathe some fresh new life into my myspace blog and begin anew here on blogspot. Back in my younger pre-mommy days, I used to post regularly about my trials and my tribulations through my life, and I actually did enjoy doing it, however, in my older, post-mommy days, it is hard to find the time... but that is one of my '09 Resolutions - time for ME. I will try to keep the pictures of my little precious one to a minimum and try to keep it as real as possible. Like one of the moms on Oprah said, "I love being a mom, I just hate doing it." Not that I hate doing it... most days I love it when I get to cuddle and love my little boy for those precious "at home" hours during the work week, but Good Lord, it can be hard. And with that, I will start....


I came to a very alarming conclusion today, and I believe I have reached a new low point in my life - I think I actually understand the Mom Jean. *shudder* Just the thought scares me. Seriously.

Some of you may know that I am planning a trip to Nashville this weekend, not to see my sexy single friend Lucy, but to go see the sexy single (I think) man Dave Mathews with my hubby and our friends Mike & Kait. I seriously could NOT be more excited for this outing, and I have been trying to plan my weekend wardrobe for months... or weeks at least.

This brings me to a problem. My wardrobe. *shudder* Just the thought scares me. Seriously. After having my precious little one, my life has stumbled back into a new-found "normalcy" of sorts, and I guess you could say that my body has stumbled into a new-found "normalcy" as well. Emphasis on new-found.

I am proud to say that I am actually 5 lbs lighter than I was before I got pregnant, although, I really don't think that you'd know it by looking at me. After years of following celebrity gossip and celebrity moms and ignorming the real world around me, I was naive enough to think that post-baby bodies actually resemble pre-baby bodies. Oh, how wrong I was.

So, sifting through my closet this morning, I try on top after top (not enough room for boobs or shows too much saggy mom-cleavage or has somehow morphed into being too short) and pant after pant (creates muffin top or does not want to snap around my hips or accentuates curves that should not be shown in public). I thought to myself, "hmmm...I need to go to the mall. Obviously. I need to get some new pants. Obviously. What do I want my pants to look like?"

The Mom Jean popped into my head!! Something high-wasted to conceal and smooth the below-the-belly-button area, dark in wash to give the illusion of a smaller bottom, yet long enough so that I can wear heels (which are a must) to elongate my legs. Doesn't this sound somewhat familiar???

Now, not that I am going to verge into the tapered leg jean (a definite "don't", I believe, for any girl above 18 years old) or go back to the stone-wash jean circa 1987. But, that high waistline is looking oddly attractive.

I'm left wondering where those minus 5 lbs came from??? I think my doctor's scale must seriously be showing me an optical illusion. I am 5 lbs lighter, but my body is definitely not the same. Just for fun I may post pictures of me in a swimming suit. Just for fun. And just maybe. I think it might be oddly liberating.

Anyway, so there you have it. Similar to the pregnancy day where I thought about wearing an entire outfit that was mint-green and came straight from 1994 due to it's stretchy elasticity and comfort, I am now contemplating where in the world one might find a tasteful pair of Mom Jeans.

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