Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My favorite Month - July!!!

This past weekend, we kicked my friend July off to a fantastic start! We spent the weekend down at Table Rock Lake, and had a REALLY REALLY good time. The weather cooperated with us for the most part, and we were able to get in a lot of water time, so that is always a good thing.

However, I would like to say this about Table Rock Lake for all those who are so inclined to visit throughout the remainder of the summer.... this year, something very strange and very disturbing happened. The fish bit us!!!! Multiple times!!!!!! Now, coming from a girl who has visited this lake at least once every summer throughout her natural lifetime, I can say with 100% certainty that this was completely unexpected and completely bizarre. I mean, seriously, here you were just a floating along in the water and the next thing you know, peck, peck, peck!!!

I mean, Jeremy's got me so hopped up on River Monsters & other miscellaneous "dangers of the deep" shows that I was completely & utterly terrified. Not that the nibbles hurt so much, it was more just the thought that at that very moment, some unidentified lake creature was trying to make you it's next meal.... you had no idea if it was a blue gill the size of your hand or a giant, man-eating catfish the size of your body. Creepy!!

So, I thought I'd issue this little PSA to beware. This happened every day that we were down there, multiple times a day, to multiple people. Completely nuts.

Also, on a sidenote, JD had his first day at his new sitter this past Thursday and although it was nervewracking as all get out, he did GREAT. He didn't cry, he actually took a nap at the sitter's house, and he came home with a little note that listed out the times his diaper was changed, what he did that day, when he ate & a funny little story about him laughing at something that was totally a JD story, so I know she didn't pull it out of thin air. So, hopefully this good trend continues.

On another sidenote, one of my 2 college sitters has not called me back after a week & a half since my last message to her. WTF is up with that? She had babysat for us 3 times, and every single time JD was almost in bed when she came over, if he wasn't asleep already. We basically paid her $8/hr to sit around and surf the net. I am very befuddled as to why she would not return my phone call. Initial thoughts were vacation?, cell phone outage?, in the hospital? but now have turned to the bitter truth... I guess she doesn't want to babysit for us anymore. :( Sad!!

Anyway, hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekends! Back to the grind this week!! :-)

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