Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Losing my mind...

OK, so I realize I've been a blog slacker, but when I logged in to make another post today, I saw I officially have 2 followers!!! Wow, this is so exciting to me!!! Thanks girls!! :-) Hopefully you enjoy my rants.

So, recently I've come to the conclusion that I may be on the brink of losing my mind and losing my sanity... or maybe when I saw "on the brink" I really mean "have totally passed the point of." I don't know for sure, but I think it's close.

One thing that I've noticed about my life as Mommy is that I am constantly "narrating" my day. Whenever JD is in the room with me, I feel as if I need to be in constant contact or constant conversation with him. I don't really like it to be dull or quiet. So, I'm always saying "Time to change JD's diaper" or "Time for Mommy to wash the dishes, what do you think, JD?" or "Time for Mommy's bottle now" as I open my fridge for my bedtime white zin night cap.

Now, I don't really mind being in constant conversation with my son... and I do use the word "conversation" loosely as it is always one-sided although I may get an "Ahhhh!!!" or a dribble of drool in response. But, I think this is an outside sign of my thread of sanity that I am left clinging to.

I took JD with me to the grocery store the other day. This little man LOVES to shop - he loves all the colors and sounds... and well, let's face it. You've all seen his pictures- he is a CHUNK... he just loves the sight of food.

Well, all through the grocery store, I am just chatting along "Hmmm.... do you think Daddy would like it if Mommy bought some broccoli, or do you think he would like some potatoes instead?" (pause) "Broccoli?? Good choice, me too." "What do you think, should we buy 2% or skim milk?" "Mmmm...yummy.... look at those apples!! JD likes apples, don't you, JD?" You get my drift. The sad thing is that I was doing this kind of subconsciously... not really even realizing that I was speaking my "thoughts"... I guess I was in kind of an out-of-the-house-induced trance!

About halfway through the grocery store, I realized that I was doing this when I said, "Gosh, where do they keep the olives in this place? Do you know?" And one of my fellow shoppers actually answered me. "Oh, I think they're in aisle 2, honey!" Whoops.

So, there it is. I am now the crazy lady in the grocery store that talks to strangers. Like I said, I have lost my mind.

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