Monday, October 12, 2009

Sports and license plates

The other day I was driving and of course you all know that I LOVE license plates... Anyway, I was stopped at a red light behind a little black sedan with a plate that said NXT YER 1 with a Cubs plate hold around it. Although I'm not a baseball fan myself, I had to stop and laugh at this one. That's pretty clever, if I do say so myself. Although, nowadays, I'm thinking of adopting that same plate, only with an Illinois football ring around it instead...

But anyway, that brings me to another point... baseball. I know this is an unpopular viewpoint, but I would like to go out on a limb and say THANK GOD the hunt for Red October is over. I know, I know, boo, hiss, boo hiss. What a bad St. Louis-an I am.

I must admit that I was captivated by the final game in the 847 game season of our redbirds. I guess it was due to the fact that something was actually on the line - it was the make or break point for the Cards - do or die.

I think that is the problem with baseball. There are SO MANY games that it is total overload - and who really cares if they lose to the Cubs the first 27 times they play them this year, I mean, we will play them again another 27 times before the season is up.

I know... unpopular viewpoint, but I am GLAD Red October is over - baseball is cozily behind us and now we can focus on the important things in life - football and Halloween. :-)

Anyway, as a sidenote, I saw another plate this morning "DR JJP DC." Now, does anyone besides me see a problem with this license plate??? Isn't this a little redundant??

This is one of the things that I find most annoying, and I don't know why. OK, Guy. We get it. You are a doctor. A doctor of chiropractic to be exact... yes siree, I do understand initials, however, I just don't quite understand why this particular Dr. DC feels it's a must to tell the little car behind him at a red light that YES, he is a doctor.... and why yes, he must tell me this twice within a matter of 7 characters.


Anyway, I'm sure that I've seen other interesting plates, however, my memory is continuing to fade as visions of pumpkins & birthday parties dance in my head. :-) Hope you all are enjoying this start to fall as much as I am!!

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