Wednesday, September 30, 2009

When do you know???

My little boy is 11 months old day. 11. Months. Old. Wow.

Lately I have found myself watching his adorable little baby self crawl around my floors and cruise around my cabinets and just sitting, wondering, thinking... "How in the world did my baby get so gosh darn big???"

It seems like the months have flown by, and it seems like just yesterday that I was holding my little newborn bundle in my arms thinking, hoping & wishing that I could maintain my sanity for just a few more months... and once I made it to that point - the point that all new moms wish for... the point where you can put your little one down and they will actually sleep the whole night through. If I could do THAT, then I would be OK.

Well, here I am. I have made it. My little man keeps his midnight calls to a minimum and as of late, his 5am wake-up cries have been waning as well. This is the sweet spot, where I am getting to know my son as a little person, not just as a baby that needs to be cared for, but actually as a little guy with his own personality... someone that adds so much delight to my day.

So, why in the world am I thinking that I want another baby??? Now, logistically speaking, I don't think this can happen now. I firmly believe that we should sell our home before having another child, but still.... that doesn't help me when I see these adorably cute little teensy tiny babies all over the place.

So, how do you know exactly? How do you know for sure?? Well, I guess Baby #1 I didn't exactly know for sure prior to his conception, and that has worked out OK, but still. I have heard that the jump from 1 to 2 is a big one. So... when to say when, I guess that is the question.

I'm not going to lie... I do enjoy this sweet spot right now, and I don't think I'm ready to be preggo tomorrow. I am enjoying being a normal sized mom, not a preggo-sized one. I enjoy being able to drink, and I especially enjoy knowing that no where in my near future is a crying baby who wants to see me frequently during the wee early morning hours.

Anyway, like I said, logistically, I know that now is not the time. Sanity wise, I don't think that now is the time. However, I guess I'm wondering, fellow bloggers, how did you decide and were you ready?

1 comment:

  1. Oh girl...let the moment pass!!! I just read your last blog about being pulled in every direction, and if you feel that way now, with one have NO idea! The jump from 1 to 2 is OVERWHELMING!!! To say it is exhausting is an understatement, and I can't imagine having to go to work in addition to having 2 babies. I work enough at home with two babies :) Anyhow, you will know when the time is right, because that aching in your heart and your uterus won't go away!!! Enjoy JD while he is little, and enjoy being you for a while...they grow up so fast and I truly feel like I didn't get to enjoy Josie as a young toddler because I was pregnant and then was nursing a newborn. Well that is my advice for what it is worth :) Love ya girl!!
