Friday, June 19, 2009

Jon & Kate Plus the whole world, including Perez

Some of you may know that I was quite the Jon & Kate follower during my pregnancy days, then after seeing one too many shows and after watching Kate go from real-life-relatable-housewife-person to some jacked-up-mommy-with-plastic-surgery-and-book-tours-person, I have decided that I was completely 100% OVER the Gosselins!

Until (you all know) the latest drama.

It seems as if the Gosselins now have every single Tom, Perez, and Harry watching their every move. I saw an online article the other day showing photos of Kate spanking one of the girls. And then there is that video of Kate drinking water right in front of one of the twins. Seriously people. This has gone too far.

I think Jon is 110% to blame for this current turmoil. Who really cares if Kate can be a biotch? And honestly, are people seriously blaming her lesbian haircut?? Because I think she's had that for eons. If Jon decided he was over her, then Jon, go see an attorney and start divorce proceedings. Don't start running around with some 23-year-old hoochie mama all over town when you have 8 kids at home and a reality TV show.

I think the problem with cheating spouses is 2-fold. (a) we have the husbands who think that for some reason their behavior is "justified" because their spouse is a "bitch" or has a "lesbian haircut" then (b) we also have little hoochies who for some reason do not think that they are worth enough to have 100% of a man, they feel that they need to have whatever percentage of him is left after his wife and children are done with him.

Even though I have lived this problem up close and personal, for the love, I still do not understand it. I can understand how marriage can be difficult, and I can imagine how hard life must be with 8 children, but I don't understand how you can resolve that one in your head at the end of the day, somehow kidding yourself into thinking that your behavior is OK.

And, just as bad is the woman who can justify in her own head why it is OK to pursue a married man and try to convince him to leave his wife. Hello honey! If he will cheat WITH you, then he will cheat ON you. Time to get a clue, along with some self-esteem!

Anyway, I have been sucked into all this drama recently, even though I hate to watch it because I cannot even imagine how difficult this must be for Kate... having to go through this turmoil in her marriage, then have the entire world watch and critique her parenting, blame the affair on her, and then find some way to explain all of this to her 8 children. Un-thinkable.

But, I guess we will all tune into J&K on Monday night to see their "big revelation" that they are making on the show. Hopefully it will be that they are taking a break from their reality show to heal their family and focus on themselves, but somehow I doubt that is coming...

1 comment:

  1. You sound just like me! LOL! I agree he is more to blame. PLus, people want to say she is mean to him but he lets her walk all over him! Be a man and stand up to your wife. Don't go cheat on her!
